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作者(英):Shu, Shih Ping
論文名稱(英):Application of physiological signal monitoring in smart living space
指導教授(英):Liao, Wen Hung
英文關鍵詞:short-term emotion recognitionPhysiological SignalAffective ComputingIAPS,International Affective Picture System
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本研究中嘗試監測較短時間(<10sec)的生理資訊,期望以一近乎即時的方式判讀並回饋使用者適當的資訊,對於生理訊號與情緒狀態的關聯性研究,將以IAPS(International Affective Picture System) 素材為來源,進行較過去嚴謹的實驗設計與程序,以探究生理訊號特徵如何應用於情緒分類。
Physiological signals can be used to measure a subject’s response to a particular stimulus, and infer the emotional status accordingly. This research investigates the feasibility of emotion recognition using physiological measurements in a smart living space. It also addresses important issues regarding the integration of classification results from multiple modalities.
Most past research regarded the recognition of emotion from physiological data as a mapping mechanism which can be learned from training data. These data were collected over a long period of time, and can not model the immediate cause-effect relationship effectively. Our research employs a more rigorous experiment design to study the relationship between a specific physiological signal and the emotion status. The newly designed procedure will enable us to identify and validate the discriminating power of each type of physiological signal in recognizing emotion.
Our research monitors short term (< 10s) physiological signals. We use the IAPS (International Affective Picture System) as our experiment material. Physiological data were collected during the presentation of various genres of pictures. With such controlled experiments, we expect the cause-effect relation to be better explained than previous black-box approaches.
Our research employs dimensional approach for emotion modeling. However, emotion recognition based on audio and/or visual clues mostly adopt categorical method (or basic emotion types). It becomes necessary to integrate results from these different modalities. Toward this end, we have also developed a mapping process to convert the result encoded in dimensional format into categorical data.
第一章 簡介 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 預期成果與應用情境 2
1.4 章節總覽 3
1.5 本研究之貢獻 3
第二章 相關研究 5
2.1資訊科學中的情意運算 5
2.2心理學領域的情緒相關研究 7
2.3 IAPS測驗 9
2.4情緒研究之比較與整理 11
2.5生理訊號特性簡述 12
同步記錄生理訊號記錄儀 16
2.6資料收集儀器Biofeedback 2000 Xpert 16
2.7資料收集儀器NeuroScan 17
2.8資料收集儀器ProComp Infiniti 18
第三章 研究架構 19
3.1 研究方法 19
3.2應用於居家生活之生理監控系統 20
第四章 實驗設計說明與資料收集 22
4.1 IAPS情緒圖片前測實驗 22
4.1.1實驗數據收集 23
4.1.2訊號來源與穩定度比較 23
4.1.3 SCR與情緒反應間的關係 23
4.1.4 Heart Rate與情緒反應間的關係 28
4.2情境之實驗設計與數據收集 36
第五章 生理訊號分析與情緒識別 39
5.1基於生理訊號之情緒感知 39
5.2維度情緒與類別式情緒間的轉換 59
第六章 結論 70
第七章 參考文獻 72
附錄A 前測實驗 74
A.1.2 Sensor附著方式 74
A.1.3訊號的連動與干擾程度 75
A.1.4訊號來源的選用建議 77
附錄B SCR Data vs. Behavior Data 79
附錄C 受測者SAM量表之評量 81

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