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作者(英):Chang, Jen-Yi
論文名稱(中):私營標準於WTO下之法律問題研究-以全球良好農業慣例標準(GlobalGAP Standard)為例
論文名稱(英):The Legal Analysis of Private Standards under the WTO Agreements—Taking GlobalGAP Standard for Example
指導教授(英):Shih, Wen-Chen
英文關鍵詞:Private StandardsGlobalGAP StandardSPS AgreementTBT AgreementGATT
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In recent years, all kinds of private standards have started to develop prosperously because consumers consider product safety more and more important. Although these private standards are not mandatory, the crowding out effect of markets causing by these standards still makes producers have to achieve relevant certification as far as possible. This situation causes anxiety about the possibility that private standards are de facto mandatory and create trade barriers. While developing countries have stated that GlobalGAP Standard makes bad influence on international trade in the SPS Committees since 2005, the legal issues about private standards become more and more important under WTO regime and need to be studied and discussed. In view of the fact that there are too many kinds of private standards, the thesis takes GlobalGAP Standard for example to discuss whether private standards shall be subject to the rules of WTO Agreements. In order to conduct careful examining and come up with suggestions of the influence on international trade which caused by private standards and the relationship between private standards and WTO, it is necessary to research into the connection between GlobalGAP Standard and WTO rules and the legality of this standard through explaining and analyzing relevant rules which involves the issue of private standards under the SPS Agreement, TBT Agreement, and GATT and to discuss the feasibility of finding the solution to relevant trade impact under WTO regime or other international fields.
第壹章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究方法與研究限制 2
第三節 研究內容與架構 3
第貳章 GlobalGAP標準概述 5
第一節 發展背景 6
第二節 組織架構與運作模式 7
第三節 規範架構及功能 8
第四節 認證程序 12
第参章 GlobalGAP標準之適用個案討論 17
第一節 拉丁美洲國家經驗 17
第二節 次撒哈拉非洲國家經驗 26
第三節 東南亞國家經驗 37
第四節 小結 46
第肆章 GlobalGAP標準於WTO法規範下之適法性分析 49
第一節 WTO法規範與私部門行為間之關係 52
第二節 WTO法規範對GlobalGAP標準之可適用性分析 56
第三節 GlobalGAP標準於TBT協定下之適法性分析 74
第伍章 WTO對GlobalGAP標準造成的貿易衝擊因應之道 87
第一節 於WTO爭端解決機制下提訴之可行性與可能產生的問題 87
第二節 於WTO場域解決GlobalGAP標準議題之契機 89
第三節 WTO以外之其他國際場域 93
第陸章 結論與建議 95
參考文獻 101
附錄──縮寫、全文與翻譯名詞對照表 105
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1.Ahold: http://www.ahold.com/
2.BRC: http://www.brc.org.uk/
3.CIES: http://www.ciesnet.com/
4.GlobalGAP: http://www.globalgap.org/
5.ISO: http://www.iso.org/iso/home.htm
6.Oxford English Dictionary: http://dictionary.oed.com/
7.Taylor Shannon International:
8.WHO: http://www.who.int/en/
9.WTO: http://www.wto.org/index.htm
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