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作者(英):Chen, Tzu Yu
論文名稱(英):The study of applicable international law on e-waste trade
英文關鍵詞:E-wasteInternational tradeThe Basel ConventionWTO
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因電子廢棄物貿易之高經濟性及高汙染性,應適用國際法規以完整規範,目前國際間管制電子廢棄物之法規有二:一為針對環境層面之巴塞爾公約(Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal),另一為針對貿易自由化之WTO(World Trade Organization)貨品貿易原則。


In recent years, electronic products have become more important and indispensable in the human life. With the development of technology, old and used electronic products fall into disuse, so lots of Electronic-Waste (e-waste) has been generated. Because of great economic benefits, the international e-waste trade has turned into a significant issue. In addition, the procedure of re-using, recycling and dismantling e-waste may cause serious damages to the environment. Therefore, the high pollution resulted by E-waste has caught the attention around the world.

Due to the enormous benefits and pollution of e-waste trade, the international law should be applied to stipulate the trade behavior. Currently, there are two international laws controlling e-waste: one is the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Waste and Their Disposal that with regard to environment aspect and another is the World Trade Organization (WTO) goods rules which concerning the trade liberalization. In this research, we find that there are still some shortages about these two laws that lead to the insufficiency of the scope of the laws and difficulty of stipulating the e-waste trade. The main reason is that there is no unified and specific classification and definition of the e-waste. The e-waste will be defined and categorized in this research paper, and then the applicability of the two laws will be significantly improved in order to solve the economic and environmental issues.

Therefore, according to the laws of several countries, we further give a suggestion about the classification and definition of e-waste. After we have the specific classification of e-waste, the applicable laws become useful and accurate so that we can solve the existing problem between environment and economics.
第一章 緒論 - 1 -
第一節 研究背景與動機 - 1 -
第二節 研究目的與流程架構 - 2 -
第三節 研究方法與限制 - 5 -

第二章 電子廢棄物之貿易現況及相關問題 - 6 -
第一節 電子廢棄物之定義及貿易現況 - 6 -
一、 電子廢棄物之定義 - 6 -
二、 電子廢棄物之貿易現況 - 16 -
第二節 電子廢棄物之貿易需求及伴隨之問題 - 18 -
一、電子廢棄物之貿易需求 - 18 -
二、電子廢棄物貿易所伴隨之問題 - 20 -

第三章 電子廢棄物受巴塞爾公約管制之狀況 - 24 -
第一節 電子廢棄物是否屬於巴塞爾公約之管轄範圍 - 27 -
一、 巴塞爾公約之「廢棄物」定義 - 27 -
二、 巴塞爾公約之「有害廢棄物」定義及範圍 - 30 -
三、 電子廢棄物屬於巴塞爾公約之管轄範圍 - 35 -
第二節 巴塞爾公約對電子廢棄物之管制原則 - 37 -
一、 締約國之一般義務 - 38 -
二、 有害廢棄物越境轉移之規定 - 40 -
三、 有害廢棄物越境轉移之非法運輸 - 41 -
四、 國際合作與協定 - 42 -
第三節 電子廢棄物於巴塞爾公約下之現存問題探討 - 43 -

第四章 電子廢棄物於WTO架構下管制之狀況 - 48 -
第一節 電子廢棄物是否屬於WTO之管轄範圍 - 48 -
第二節 WTO對於電子廢棄物之管制原則 - 50 -
一、 GATT第1條最惠國待遇及第3條國民待遇原則 - 50 -
二、 關稅規範 - 53 -
三、 數量限制原則 - 54 -
四、 一般例外原則 - 55 -
五、 技術性貿易障礙 - 57 -
第三節 電子廢棄物於WTO架構下之現存問題探討 - 59 -

第五章 電子廢棄物貿易行為之法律規範探討 - 63 -
第一節 其他可能管制電子廢棄物方法之探討 - 63 -
一、 雙邊、多邊及區域性協定 - 64 -
二、 制定專屬的電子廢棄物國際貿易管制法規 - 66 -
第二節 電子廢棄物適用法規之分析 - 68 -
一、 電子廢棄物分類定義為兩國際公約之關鍵 - 68 -
二、 電子廢棄物於巴塞爾公約及WTO貨品貿易原則下之分類適用 …………………………………………………………………………………………….- 73 -
三、 電子廢棄物之分類建議 - 76 -

第六章 結論 - 80 -

參考文獻 - 84 -
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