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作者(英):Chang, Tsung-sheng
指導教授(英):Yang, Connie Guang-hwa
英文關鍵詞:Engineering ServicesGeneral Agreement on Trade in ServicesDomestic RegulationMarket AccessRecognitionGATS Article VI:6
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在世界貿易組織(World Trade Organization,以下簡稱WTO)之服務貿易總協定下(General Agreement on Trade in Services),WTO會員基於自願性之基礎對各項服務部門之市場開放提出承諾,技師服務屬於專業服務之範疇,亦包含於會員可能提出開放承諾之範圍內。由於各會員國內規章之規定並不須納入會員服務貿易特定承諾表內,因此若欲了解技師服務貿易自由化之情形,除須檢視各國對於技師服務所為之開放承諾外,亦應瞭解國內規章對於技師服務貿易所造成之限制。
Engineering services, with high professional specialty and technical background, plays an essential role in national infrastructure and is fatal to public security. To ensure the quality of the services provided, national governments usually implement the license regulation on engineering services. Only those who obtain the engineer qualification and acquire the license can practice their own specialty. The requirement for engineer qualification and license issuing, containing in the domestic regulations, will definitely have the impact on trades of engineering services.
Under the General Agreement on Trade in Services of the World Trade Organization (hereinafter the “WTO”), WTO members make market-access commitments on a number of service sectors on the basis of voluntary. Since engineering services belongs to the category of professional services, it may also be the subject included in the commitments made by members. Since members have no obligations to inscribe domestic regulations in their schedules of specific commitments, with the purpose to understand the practical trade liberalization of engineering services, we should not simply focus on the commitments made by members, the limitation to trade of engineering services caused by domestic regulations should also be taken into consideration.
This thesis initiates with the relevant domestic regulations of engineer qualification, observing how those regulations would affect the trade liberalization of engineering services. It accordingly discusses the nowadays international mutual recognition system of engineer qualification, and ends with some suggestions and thoughts regarding the future trade liberalization of engineering services.
第一章□□□ 2
第一節□膍s背景 2
第二節□膍s架構 3
第二章□獀v服務之概說與GATS之相關規定 4
第一節□宏□ 4
第二節□P技師服務相關之GATS規定 6
第一項□A務提供之模式 6
第二項□S定承諾 7
第三項□磥熙W章 11
第三章□TO會員對技師服務承諾開放之情形 13
第一節□S定承諾表所呈現之情形 13
第一項□奕黧}放之承諾情形 14
第二項□磪虧搮J之承諾情形 20
第三項□p結 23
第二節□磥熙W章對於開放之限制 24
第一項□□□ 24
第二項□D洲 26
第三項□[拿大 27
第三節□p結 31
第四章□獀v服務貿易自由化之展望 33
第一節□篕痗§幫囮獀v服務相互認許之情形 33
第一項□{許機制之簡介 33
第二項□篕痗“獀v服務相互認許之案例 37
第二節□ATS第6.6條之實踐:以澳洲海外專業技師資格評估制度為例 44
第一項□ATS第6.6條 44
第二項□D洲海外專業技師資格評估制度 45
第三節□憎荓幫囮獀v服務貿易自由化之建議 48
第五章□祭□ 50
參考文獻 52
3.謝季壽、陳振川、曾惠斌,各國專業技師資格相互認許制度之研究,行政院公共工程委員會委託研究, 2002年。
4.鄭明淵、王慶煌、魏衍、林正平、張倩瑜,歐美日韓各國營建產業制度與政策研究,行政院公共工程委員會委託研究, 2002年11月。

1.Xiao Guang, China, UK mutually recognize engineering qualifications, China Daily (September 9, 1997)
2.Engineers Mobility Forum, Memorandum of Understanding to Establish an EMF International Register of Professional Engineers (June 16, 2000)
3.European Federation of National Engineering Associations, Guide to The FEANI Register (October, 2000)
4.Service Providers on the Move: Mutual Recognition Agreements, OECD Doc. TD/TC/WP(2002)48/FINAL (February 6, 2003)
5.Aaditya Mattoo & Pierre Sauvé, Editors, Domestic Regulation and Service Trade Liberalization, The World Bank and Oxford University Press (2003)
6.The Institution of Engineers Australia, Overseas Qualifications Assessment Kit (September, 2004)

1.Trade in Professional Services, Note by the Secretariat, GATT Doc. MTN.GNS/W/67 (August 25, 1989)
2.Services Sectoral Classification List: Note by the Secretariat, GATT Doc. MTN.GNS/W/120 (July 10, 1991)
3.Schedule of Specific Commitments of Antigua and Barbuda, WTO Doc. GATS/SC/2 (April 15, 1994)
4.Schedule of Specific Commitments of Austria, WTO Doc. GATS/SC/7 (April 15, 1994)
5.Schedule of Specific Commitments of Canada, WTO Doc. GATS/SC/16 (April 15, 1994)
6.Schedule of Specific Commitments of Cote D’ivoire, WTO Doc. GATS/SC/23 (April 15, 1994)
7.Schedule of Specific Commitments of Czech Republic, WTO Doc. GATS/SC/26 (April 15, 1994)
8.Schedule of Specific Commitments of Dominican Republic, WTO Doc. GATS/SC/28 (April 15, 1994)
9.Schedule of Specific Commitments of European Communities and their Member States, WTO Doc. GATS/SC/31 (April 15, 1994)
10.Schedule of Specific Commitments of Hungary, WTO Doc. GATS/SC/40 (April 15, 1994)
11.Schedule of Specific Commitments of India, WTO Doc. GATS/SC/42 (April 15, 1994)
12.Schedule of Specific Commitments of Indonesia, WTO Doc. GATS/SC/43 (April 15, 1994)
13.Schedule of Specific Commitments of Japan, WTO Doc. GATS/SC/46 (April 15, 1994)
14.Schedule of Specific Commitments of Malaysia, WTO Doc. GATS/SC/52 (April 15, 1994)
15.Schedule of Specific Commitments of Mexico, WTO Doc. GATS/SC/56 (April 15, 1994)
16.Schedule of Specific Commitments of New Zealand, WTO Doc. GATS/SC/62 (April 15, 1994)
17.Schedule of Specific Commitments of Pakistan, WTO Doc. GATS/SC/67 (April 15, 1994)
18.Schedule of Specific Commitments of Peru, WTO Doc. GATS/SC/69 (April 15, 1994)
19.Schedule of Specific Commitments of Singapore, WTO Doc. GATS/SC/76 (April 15, 1994)
20.Schedule of Specific Commitments of Slovak Republic, WTO Doc. GATS/SC/77 (April 15, 1994)
21.Schedule of Specific Commitments of Switzerland, WTO Doc. GATS/SC/83 (April 15, 1994)
22.Schedule of Specific Commitments of Liechtenstein, WTO Doc. GATS/SC/83-A (April 15, 1994)
23.Schedule of Specific Commitments of Thailand, WTO Doc. GATS/SC/85 (April 15, 1994)
24.Schedule of Specific Commitments of the United States of America, WTO Doc. GATS/SC/90 (April 15, 1994)
25.Schedule of Specific Commitments of Slovenia, WTO Doc. GATS/SC/99 (August 30,1995)
26.Schedule of Specific Commitments of Sierra Leone, WTO Doc. GATS/SC/105 (August 30, 1995)
27.Schedule of Specific Commitments of Botswana, WTO Doc. GATS/SC/109 (August 30,1995)
28.Schedule of Specific Commitments of United Arab Emirates, WTO Doc. GATS/SC/121 (April 2, 1996)
29.Communication from the United States of America, Notification Pursuant to Article VII.4 of the General Agreement on Trade in Services, WTO Doc. S/C/N/52 (February 10, 1997)
30.Schedule of Specific Commitments of the Republic of Bulgaria, WTO Doc. GATS/SC/122 (May 21, 1997)
31.Guidelines for Mutual Recognition Agreements in the Accountancy Sector, adopted by the Council for Trade in Services, WTO Doc. S/L/38 (May 28, 1997)
32.Schedule of Specific Commitments of Republic of Panama, WTO Doc. GATS/SC/124 (October 1, 1997)
33.Architecture and Engineering Services, Background Note by the Secretariat, WTO Doc. S/C/W/44 (July 1, 1998)
34.Schedule of Specific Commitments of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, WTO Doc. GATS/SC/128 (December 15, 2000)
35.Guidelines for the Scheduling of Specific Commitments Under the General Agreement on Trade in Services, adopted by the Council for Trade in Services, WTO Doc. S/L/92 (March 28, 2001)
36.Schedule of Specific Commitments of The People’s Republic of China, WTO Doc. GATS/SC/135 (February 14, 2002)
37.Schedule of Specific Commitments of the Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu, WTO Doc. GATS/SC/136 (February 15, 2002)
38.Communication from Japan, Draft Annex on Domestic Regulation, Informal Paper, JOB(03)/45/Rev.1 (May 2, 2003)
39.Communication from the European Community and its Member States, Proposal for Disciplines on Licensing Procedures, WTO Doc. S/WPDR/W/25 (July 10, 2003)
40.Schedule of Specific Commitments of the Kingdom of Nepal, WTO Doc. GATS/SC/139 (August 30, 2004)

第一章□□□ 第二章□獀v服務之概說與GATS之相關規定
第五章□祭□ 參考文獻
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