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作者(英):Ciou, Yi-Da
論文名稱(英):China’s sharp power influences : a case study of Taiwan
指導教授(英):Hsueh, Chien-Wu
口試委員(外文):Wang, Yun
Tseng, Yu-Chen
英文關鍵詞:Sharp PowerUnited FrontChinese InfiltrationTaiwan Election
Doi Url:http://doi.org/10.6814/NCCU202000179
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China’s sharp power influences has aroused heated discussion in the recent years, however, there is no systematic research in the academics. This study intends to explore three issues related to sharp power: first, how is sharp power different from hard power, soft power, and smart power; Second, how is sharp power different from United Front tactics; Third, what are the specific impacts of sharp power in Taiwan. The study finds that: (1) The difference between China’s sharp power, and soft power lies in the fact that the previous one comes from a totalitarian regime, the degree of civil society is restrained, the measures adopted are non-mandatory but active attribute and the process of de-legitimation to weaken legitimacy of others; (2) China’s sharp power is a part of United Front work. Both intend to achieve the purpose of attracting fellow travelers and strengthening social opposition through infiltration, co-option, and coercion. However, there are some concentrating difference in the appealing target and the implementing measures; (3) The impact of China’s sharp power in Taiwan, from the cases of 2018 and 2020 election, and use the right to work to coerce political expression, has not achieved the improvement and positive perception of Taiwanese about China. This shows the maturity and resilience of Taiwan’s democratic system is capable of counteract the sharp power attacks from the CCP.
However, the purpose of CCP’s United Front against Taiwan is not merely to change political position, but to deal with two issues. First, Chinese people’s perception about the CCP; Second, to arouse people with the same political stance in Taiwan, at the same time strengthen the existing social opposition, division, create fears within Taiwan. Particularly, after the 2018 9-in-1 election, Taiwan’s social confrontation has become more serious, so-called political polarization. From this perspective, the CCP’s sharp power strategy against Taiwan has been relatively successful.
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research Motivation 1
1.2 Research Background 3
1.3 Research Objectives 6
1.4 In Chapter 4, I will explore China’s sharp power operation in Taiwan. 8
1.5 Methodology 8
1.4.1 Research Method 8
1.4.2 Case Selection 10
1.5 Literature Review 11
1.5.1 Global Accusation Against China’s Sharp Power 12
1.5.2 The Response of the Chinese Communist Party 22
Chapter 2 What’s the Difference between “Sharp Power” and Other Powers? 35
2.1 Hard Power 37
2.2 Soft Power 40
2.3 Smart Power 42
2.4 Sharp Power 45
2.5 What are the “Decisive Factors” between Sharp Power and Other Powers? 50
2.6 Theoretical Deficiency of Sharp Power 59
2.7 Conclusion 61
Chapter 3 Is United Front Sharp Power? 69
3.1 What is United Front Work? 70
3.2 United Front Work’s Course of Action 76
3.3 Similarity and Difference between Sharp Power and United Front? 87
Chapter 4 A Case Study of Taiwan 101
4.1 Sharp Power and the United Front work in Taiwan 104
4.2 The CCP Used Disinformation Interfering Taiwan’s 9-in-1 Election in 2018 116
4.3 The CCP Used the Right to Work Influencing Taiwan’s Public Opinion 127
4.4 Analyzing the Effects 136
Chapter 5 Conclusion 147
References 158
Appendix 1 News Concerning Sharp Power 172

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