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作者(英):Fu, Cheng-Cheng
論文名稱(英):The Study of The Entry Work Adaptative Factors Among Short-Term Service Reserve Officers Program
指導教授(英):Ning, Fang-Shii
Chen, Don-Yun
口試委員(外文):Kuo, Jenn-Shyong
Ning, Fang-Shii
Chen, Don-Yun
Chiang, Min-Hsiu
Lee, Chung-Pin
英文關鍵詞:Short-Term Service Reserve Officers ProgramAdaptability in the MilitarySatisfaction with Military Service Career
Doi Url:http://doi.org/10.6814/NCCU202000349
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近年為解決基層軍官缺員問題,國防部積極推動招募「一年短役期志願役預備軍官」(簡稱「短役期志預官」),受訓22週後即任少尉軍官,並分發部隊服務,此種快速解方(Quick Fix)之作法,實為國軍人事制度之創舉。本文藉此探究「短役期志預官」從軍之動機、從軍後適應因素與滿意度,據以提供國軍人力補充與選、用、訓策略之參考建議。
本文係以民國107年第1梯次「短役期志預官」受訓356人為母體,參考國內外有關工作適應、需求、滿意度等相關文獻理論,先於受訓期間與退伍前半年,各施測乙次問卷調查,區分兩個構面實施因素分析:一、在從軍適應因素構面上,將27個問卷題項分析後,萃取「興趣結合自我理想」、「家庭經濟與工作需求」及「工作適應-自身努力」等3個共同因素;二、在影響從軍滿意度構面上,將 23 個題項分析後,萃取「招募說實話」、「工作環境與團隊互助」、「工作有意義」、「福利與待遇」、「工作適應-意義」與「成就感」等 5 個共同因素,並實施平均值的交叉比對,期能有效發展具體的結論與建議。此外,續於服役滿1年後,針對志願留營、退伍軍官各10員實施訪談,以印證及補強問卷之不足。
In recent years, the R.O.C. Ministry of National Defense (MND) initiated the “Short-Term Service Reserve Officers Program” (SSROP) in order to resolve the shortage of junior officers. The SSROP selectees are required to undergo a basic officer training for only 22 weeks before their receipts of commission. This pilot “Quick Fix” program, however, has been very significant to the current military personnel system. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis is to specifically analyze the SSROP officers’ “Motivation of Enlistment”, “Adaptability in the Military”, and “Fulfillment of Military Service” for the MND’s personnel policy makers in terms of recruiting, manning, and training.
The thesis studied a group of 356 SSROP trainees from the Class 1-2018 in accordance with foreign and domestic research papers or documents on occupational, demands, and Satisfaction domains. The initial two questionnaires were conducted first during their basic training, and then 6 months before the termination of their service. Analysis of the questionnaires focused on two aspects--they were “Adaptability in the Military” with 20 questions connected to “Personal Interests and Ideal”, “Economy of Family and Demands”, and “Occupational Adaptability vs. Self-endeavor”; “Satisfaction with Military Service Career” with 23 questons which refered to the factors of “Recruiters tell Truths”, “Job Environment and Teamwork”, “Meaningful Work”, “Benefits and Welfare”, “Occupational Adaptability vs. Significance” and “Sense of Accomplishment”. To facilitate and support the questionnaires, 10 SSROP officers who re-enlisted in the military were interviewed upon their completion of one year military service, together with another 10 who were discharged.
This thesis identified that the Motivation of Enlistment may relate to “Personal Interests and Ideals” while also under the influence of Social Economy. The one-year short-term service truly inspired numerous Taiwan’s college graduates in the sense of Self-Challenge and Self-fulfillment. Thus, this thesis recommends that the MND should put their recruiting effort in promoting the theme of Servicemen’s Responsibilities. About the issue of adaptability in the military, the SSROP interviewees implied that they might feel somewhat adaptive after reporting to their duties, but would gradually suffered from the stress of units' management styles they faced, and the daily workloads they were tasked. This could further impact their determinations to reenlist. Therefore, it is truthfully supportive that the MND should extensively review their current Officers-NCOs (Non-Commissioned Officers) relations; effectively eliminate most of the low-efficient and unnecessary inspections or supervisions. In the other hand, the study of Fulfillment before interviewees’ discharge provided that “Job-Friendly Environment”, “Positive Career Development” and “Opportunity for further Education” were affirmatively influential to interviewees’ decisions on reenlistment, while “Short duration of Training” and “Being unable to answer unit’s needs” proved both negative factors. Hence, regarding its present training policy, the MND needed to improve SSROP’s Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) instructions, and to offer them with more beneficial education incentives, such as studies for advanced degrees, Doctoral and Master. In summary, all the suggestions and recommendations of this thesis will further advise the MND in shaping its Human Resource Policy to introduce and produce more quality officers into the R.O.C. military for serving the nation.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與背景 1
第二節 研究目的 2
第三節 研究步驟與流程 3
第二章文獻探討 5
第一節 招募短役期志預官決策 5
壹、國軍軍官人力補充管道 5
貳、軍官的缺員因素 6
參、政策動機與配套 7
第二節、工作適應(Work Adjustment)相關理論 11
壹、工作適應的定義 11
貳、工作適應相關理論 13
參、需求理論 15
肆、顧客滿意度 20
第三章 研究方法 26
第一節、研究架構 26
第二節、研究方法 28
壹、問卷部分 28
貳、訪談部分: 35
第四章 資料分析 38
第一節、敘述性統計資料(人口統計變項) 38
第二節、從軍適應因素分析與從軍後滿意度分析 40
壹、信度分析 40
貳、因素分析 40
參、訪談分析 53
肆、人口特性對從軍適應因素的影響 60
伍、人口特性對從軍滿意度的差異性 64
第五章 結論與建議 67
第一節、研究發現 71
壹、從軍動機 72
貮、從軍適應因素 72
參、實際從軍的滿意度 72
第二節、建議 73
壹、選的方面 73
貳、用的方面 73
參、訓的方面 74
第三節、未來研究方向 75
參考文獻 76
壹、中文部分 76
貳、英文部分 78
附錄:問卷 82
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