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作者(英):Lin, Yung-Chung
論文名稱(中):透過供應鏈整合提升產業競爭力: 以鈑金產業為例
論文名稱(英):Enhance industrial competitiveness through supply chain integration: Take the sheet metal industry as an example
Doi Url:http://doi.org/10.6814/NCCU202100481
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The sheet metal processing of industrial chassis is an indispensable professional technology in life, and its application fields are quite wide. However, this mechanical sheet metal manufacturing industry was regarded as the basic process of the "black hand industry" in the past. The working population is gradually decreasing, and many processing plants are starting Feel the sense of crisis, so in addition to investing in transformation and upgrading. On the other hand, the development of laser applications has also greatly improved the competitiveness of sheet metal processing, which in turn drives the industry to a high-value transformation. Whether it is smart manufacturing or processing technology R&D innovation, it is obvious that the future industry must think about the direction Follow the spindle.
The competitiveness of an enterprise is the ability of an enterprise to provide products and services to the market more effectively than other enterprises in the same competitive market, and to obtain a comprehensive value for profit and its own development. Like others did not provide and I do, if others do, mine is better, or others are as good as me, but I have other services that are also cheaper and so on. Among them, major environmental changes are usually regarded as small and medium-sized enterprises unable to change and can only bypass or reconcile. Therefore, the legitimacy of business operations is also very important. It can also be regarded as one of the basic competitiveness of enterprises, especially the manufacturing environment in Taiwan. Due to the rising environmental awareness of the government and the private sector, the production equipment and environment of many metal processing industries have not kept up with the ever-changing and progressive government environmental regulations, and the improvement of the production environment is also Relatively it is one of the ability to improve the sustainable operation of enterprises. Regarding the issue of energy saving and carbon reduction, Taiwan's small and medium-sized enterprises will gradually be affected by the rise of environmental protection groups and environmental awareness in various countries, so that the damage to the environment caused by manufacturing must be repaired separately. Achieve the legitimacy of business operations sufficient to compete with the same industry.
Taiwan's electronics industry has a pivotal position in the world, but the remaining net profit of the industry is very limited. Among them, the industrial computer industry is the result of a small number of diversified customized production, which enables the industrial computer industry to achieve high gross profit. It does not cause too much damage to the environment. Although the scale of the industry is much smaller than that of the personal computer or computer peripheral industry, based on the development of the electronics industry supply chain, the industrial computer industry can have a better operating model and will not cause the industry to enter excessive price competition. , And hurt the result of gross profit.
Taiwan's sheet metal industry supports a variety of industries including machinery, construction, aerospace, furniture, semiconductors, etc. There are nearly 4,000 manufacturers, and the number of employees is about 300,000. The average number of people in each company is about 75. With a total output value exceeding NT$200 billion, the importance of Taiwan's sheet metal industry is self-evident. This research takes the current situation of the sheet metal processing industry supply chain for industrial chassis as the main research body, collects the upstream and downstream business information of the case company in the development process of the case company’s important upstream and downstream supply chain integration, and uses the five forces to analyze the current and future of Taiwan's sheet metal industry Will face challenges and solutions.
第一章 緒論………………………………………………………………...1
第一節 研究背景…………………………………………...……………1
第二節 研究動機…………………………………………….…………..3
第三節 研究目的……………………………………………………..….4
第四節 研究程序……………………………………………………...…5
第二章 文獻探討…………………………………………………………...6
第一節 工業電腦產業簡介……………………………………………...6
第二節 工業電腦的應用範圍…………………………...………………7
第三節 工業電腦產業之五力分析……………………….……………..8
第四節 工業電腦產業產業鏈……………………………………....….11
第五節 工業電腦產業的規模與發展………………………...………..13
第三章 產業背景-鈑金製造產業分析(工業用機箱類)……………….…15
第一節 鈑金製造及加工之定義……………………………………….15
第二節 鈑金製造產業供應鏈………………………………………….18
第三節 鈑金產業五力分析……………………………………...……..20
第四章 個案公司與問題描述…………………………………………….24
第一節 工業機箱鈑金個案公司介紹………………………………….24
第二節 供應商問題……………………………………………...……..32
第三節 個案公司內部問題…………………………………………….33
第四節 產業鏈及環境問題………………………………………….…33
第五節 主要客戶問題…………………………………………...……..34
第五章 解決方案-供應鏈整合…………………………………..……….35
第一節 外部供應鏈整合之下游客戶端整合……………………...…..35
第二節 外部供應鏈整合之上游供應商整合…………………….……37
第三節 內部整合……………………………………………………….39
第六章 結論與建議……………………………………………………….45
第一節 研究發現及結果………………………………………….……45
第二節 對個案公司未來發展經營策略之建議……………………….46
第三節 研究貢獻………………………………………………….……47
參考文獻 ………………………………………………………………….49

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