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作者(英):Chen, Te-Jung
論文名稱(英):E-Commerce Platform Vouchers: Intertemporal Consumption and Competitive Strategies
英文關鍵詞:CouponE-commerce platformPrice competitionLoyalty
Doi Url:http://doi.org/10.6814/NCCU202200978
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We construct three economic models of coupon competition to analyze how the issuance of coupons will change the intertemporal price and market structure of e-commerce platforms. Based on the two-period Hotelling model, our first model analyzes a symmetric economy under both platforms issue coupons. In the second model, we consider that the usage of coupons is linear in customer loyalty. In the third model, we consider that the distribution of customer preference in the second period will be biased toward the platform that issues coupons. Our core finding is that the issuance of coupons can relax the price competition between platforms in the second period. Moreover, for the platform issuing the coupons, the total profit of the two periods will increase.
1. Introduction 1
2. Related Literature 3
3. Coupon Competition and Intertemporal Effects 8
3.1 Characterization of equilibrium 9
3.1.1 To stay or to switch? 9
3.1.2 Period-two equilibrium prices 11
3.1.3 Purchase decisions for t=1 13
3.1.4 Market prices and sizes of coupons for t=1 15
3.2 Impacts of Coupons 16
4. Linear Usage of Coupons 18
4.1 Characterization of Equilibria 19
4.1.1 To stay or to switch? 19
4.1.2 Period-two equilibrium prices 21
4.1.3 Purchase decisions for t=1 24
4.1.4 Market prices for t=1 26
4.1.5 The optimal size of coupons for t=0 29
5. Biased Customer Preference 32
5.1 Characterization of Equilibria 32
5.1.1 To stay or to switch? 32
5.1.2 Period-two equilibrium prices 33
5.1.3 Purchase decisions for t=1 35
5.1.4 Market prices for t=1 38
5.1.5 The optimal size of coupons for t=0 42
6. Concluding Remarks 45
References 48
Appendix A 52
Appendix B 52
Appendix C 55
Appendix D 58
Appendix E 61
Appendix F 64
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