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作者(英):Teng, Li-Hsien
論文名稱(英):Enduring and Situational Factors that Influence Willingness to Communicate in an L2: A Case Study
指導教授(英):Yu, Ming-Chung
口試委員(外文):Yu, Hsueh-Ying
Yeh, Chieh-Yue
英文關鍵詞:Willingness to communicateEnduring variablesSituational variablesCase study
Doi Url:http://doi.org/10.6814/NCCU202001076
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Globalization makes English learning become more and more important. However, language teachers around the world still struggle to get learners to talk in English. Studies show that Asian English learners are more reticent when compared with Western English learners. Previous research shows that because of the influence of examination-oriented culture, lack of confidence, being too cautious at giving opinions, and fear of being negatively evaluated, many Asian English learners are unwilling to participate in discussions. The purpose of the present study was to investigate how certain enduring and situational variables enhanced the willingness to communicate of a high school student in Taiwan. In this case study, both quantitative and qualitative methods were adopted to capture a holistic understanding of how certain enduring factors, and situational factors influence the willingness to communicate of the participant. The participant was a twelfth grader who studied in a private bilingual high school in New Taipei City. In the present study, the motivational factors questionnaire, the class observations, the student’s journals, one semi-structured interview, and two semi-structured interviews were utilized as data for the analyses of the influences of enduring and situational variables that influence the willingness to communicate of the participant.
The results suggest that the three enduring factors, parental involvement, informal linguistic environments, and a learner’s core beliefs in L2 learning, can influence his willingness to communicate in different situations. In terms of parental involvement, the present case showed that different forms of parental involvement, including watching English videos with the participant, chatting with the participant in English, and creating opportunities for him to use English authentically, would enhance for his WTC. In terms of informal linguistic environments, the present study showed that the participant’s family trips in foreign countries, and his online-games provided him with good opportunities to use English authentically. In terms of a learner’s core beliefs, the present study showed that the participant’s core beliefs would influence how much efforts he wanted to put into different types of L2 learning activities.
The results also suggest that situational variables, such as teachers’ teaching styles and immediacy, class size, and topics, might all influence the participant’s willingness to communicate. In terms of teachers’ teaching styles and immediacy, if a language teacher uses many communicative activities, and they are also warm and encouraging, as well as being non-critical when learners make mistakes, these would raise learners’ WTC. In terms of class size, a small class would be easier for a teacher to create good and warm classroom atmosphere. In terms of topics, students’ self-selected topics are preferable than textbook-assigned topics. The present study showed that students’ self-selected topics raised the participant’s confidence and interest in discussions. And they also raised his WTC. Based on the findings in the present study, pedagogical implications and suggestions were recommended for future research. It is hoped that this thesis can provide some insights into the study of enduring and situational variables that influence the willingness to communicate of English learners for researchers and educators in the field of TESOL.

Acknowledgements iii
Table of Contents iv
Chinese Abstract xi
English Abstract xiii

Chapter One: Introduction 1
1.0 Background of the Study 1
1.1 Statement of Problem 2
1.2 Purpose of the Study 4
1.3 Significance of the Study 4

Chapter Two: Literature Review 7
2.0 Introduction 7
2.1 The Theory of Willingness to Communicate 7
2.1.1 The Origin of Willingness to Communicate 7
2.1.2 Willingness to Communicate and the Heuristic Model 8 Enduring Variables Investigated in the Study 9 Situational Variables in the Heuristic Model 11
2.2 Situational Variables Investigated in the Present Study 13
2.2.1 Situational Cues 13 Interlocutors 13 Classroom Atmosphere 14 Tasks 14
2.2.2 Situational Characteristics 15 Task-Confidence 15 Task-Interest 16 Task-Usefulness 16
2.3 Related Empirical Studies on Willingness to Communicate 16
2.4 Research Gap 20
2.5 Research Questions 21

Chapter Three: Methodology 23
3.0 Introduction 23
3.1 The Participant 24
3.2 The Context 25
3.3 Data Collection 26
3.3.1 Motivational Factors Questionnaire 26 Reliability 27 Validity 29
3.3.2 Class observation and Flanders Interaction Analysis Categories 30
3.3.3 Student Journals 31
3.3.4 Semi-Structured Interview with the ESL Teacher 31
3.3.5 Semi-Structured Interviews with the Participant 31
3.4 Data Analysis 32
3.4.1 Coding Scheme of Enduring Variables that Influence WTC 32 Intergroup Climate 32 Social Situation 32 Intergroup Attitudes 33
3.4.2 Coding Scheme of Situational Variables that Influence WTC 33 Situation Cues 34 Situation Characteristics 36

Chapter Four: Results 37
4.0 Introduction 37
4.1 Class Participation and Academic Performance 37
4.2 Enduring Variables 42
4.2.1 Intergroup Climate 42 Perceptual and Affective Correlates 42 Structural Characteristics of the Community 44
4.2.2 Social Situation 47 Most Willing to Communicate Situations 47 Least Willing to Communicate Situations 55
4.2.3 Intergroup Attitudes 56 Integrativeness 56 Fear of Assimilation 58 Motivation to Learn the L2 59
4.3 Situational Variables 62
4.3.1 Situation Cues 62 Interlocutors 62 Classroom Atmosphere 63 Task 66
4.3.2 Situation Characteristics 67 Task-Confidence & Task-Interest 67 Task-Usefulness 68

Chapter Five: Discussion 71
5.0 Introduction 71
5.1 Themes of the Enduring Variables 71
5.1.1 Parental Involvement 72
5.1.2 Informal Linguistic Environment 73
5.1.3 Learner's Core Beliefs 74
5.1.4 Summary of the Enduring Variables 76
5.2 Themes of the Situational Variables 76
5.2.1 Teaching Style and Teacher Immediacy 77
5.2.2 Class Size 78
5.2.3 Topics 79
5.2.4 Summary of the Situational Variables 79

Chapter Six: Conclusions and Implications 81
6.0 Introduction 81
6.1 Summary of the Major Findings 81
6.2 Pedagogical Implications 84
6.3 Contribution of the Study 86
6.4 Limitations and Future Suggestions 87

References 89
Appendixes 97
Appendix 1: Motivational Factors Questionnaire 97
Appendix 2: Semi-structured Interview Questions with the Participant 101
Appendix 3: Semi-structured Interview Questions with the ESL Teacher 103
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